Cleansing The Soul
I want to be honest, completely honest, with you, and myself...but I feel unable to be.
Life is not an American romantic comedy in which everyone lives happily ever after and people sympathise with the underdog, and hate the main guy cos he's a dick.
People will judge me and hurt me, and take sides.
I will not be forgiven and I will not be rewarded for being so honest.
It is at this time that I want to run away and start again. Uno, like I tend to do every 3 years or so.
Make new friends, live in an unfamiliar space, fuck someone different.
It's no longer practical to do this though. I have grown attached to my home, my friends, and my work.
I want to divulge...everything. Cleanse my soul so to speak. Perhaps I should see a professional? Perhaps I should just write it all down, post it to a random address and hope the recipient enjoys my confessions...
I posted this piece on another blog back in May and since then, I have sent two letters to random addresses.
You might think that's a pretty weirdo thing to do, but I don't really dig 'normal'
I've been [not so] quietly freaking out about my impending birthday this week, about getting old [er], losing my adolescent type qualities, my spark, my quirks.
Because I am in no way ready to be my age, I have been doing things such as sending letters to strangers. It's a way of reminding myself I'm rash, vital, comical, naive, excitable and alive.
Next project, talk to strangers...