January 04, 2010

What Heaven Looks Like...

When I was a child, my father took me to a castle his friend had  recently purchased, that had almost completely been gutted by a wild fire.
All that remained of the interior, was a wrought-iron spiral staircase.
[I still recall the eerie atmosphere with such clarity]
Despite the happy sunshine that streamed in through the non-existent roof, the burnt out iron bed and charred remains of a plastic doll were enough to make me feel quite uneasy.
Still, since then I've had a fascination with disused, damaged, and abandoned buildings.
While they partially fill me with a sense of loss, heartbreak and sadness, I also feel overwhelmed with excitement and wonder. 
I enjoy imagining what may have taken place in them decades prior...

I'm not at all religious, but if heaven exists...I hope it looks like one of these images.

[images are thanks to the amazing photographic project, The Ruins of Detroit]


  1. I love those type of places too, but rather than think of the tales of the past I always imagine the possibilities of the future.
    Found this recently: http://themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/ghosts_of_shopping_past/

  2. I know what you mean about possibilities...I too think about that, but in order to make such buildings functional again, many of them would have to be so thoroughly altered, that they'd lose all that decrepit charm I love so much...

  3. Oh, and I love this one :) http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/ghosts_of_shopping_past/06gosp.php
